Sunday, 29 January 2017

Visual moodboard

This is my visual mood board which includes words and pictures that i associate with the indie/indie rock music genre.

Thursday, 26 January 2017

Artist profile

This is my artist profile which shows a few pictures of my artist as well as a brief introduction into who she is. I've also made a mood board of some of the clothing my artist typically wears so that I have outfit ideas for what my artist could wear in my main image and also the images on my double page spread.
This is an image of my model holding the consent form that she signed.

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Reader profile

This is my reader profile which is an insight in to a person from my typical target audience. By making this I'll be able to make sure my magazine is appealing to my target audience in order to follow the task correctly.

Monday, 23 January 2017

Audience research (Focus group)

For my audience research I did a mini interview type video where I showed my respondents pictures of magazine covers and asked them what stood out the most to them. The magazine covers that I showed them are pasted below

Image result for lana del rey magazine covers Image result for NME magazine cover
For the second question I asked my three respondents what they thought of one contents page compared to the other (Both contents pages will be posted below)
Image result for q magazine contents page september 2015Image result for NME magazine contents page
For the third question I showed my respondents two different camera angles and asked them which one they preferred (Both pictures will be pasted below)

Image result for Wonderland magazineImage result for Wonderland magazine
 As well as talking about these things I also asked them about a double page spread and they said that they prefer double page spreads that have a picture on one side and writing on the other instead of ones that have writing all over and only small images. This research has been beneficial to me as it has allowed me to find out what some people from my target audience like and dislike about music magazines which will help me when creating my own.

Sunday, 22 January 2017

Audience research part 1

For my audience research I made a survey using survey monkey which included five questions. Before posting the survey I thought about why I was asking the questions and how they would benefit my research. (

Exploration of Artists of the genre

This is a mood board that I've made of some popular Indie artists. This will be helpful to me in the future when I'm making my magazine cover as I'll have artists to feature such as: The 1975, Marina and the diamonds and Lorde.

Fashion in the Indie genre

I've created a short video showing the fashion of male and female artists who are part of the indie music genre and also analysing how they're presented differently in magazines.I I've created this as part of my exploration of artists of the indie genre as doing this will help me when branding my artist as I'll have an idea of what clothing indie rock artists wear as well as the way they're generally presented in magazines.

Friday, 20 January 2017

The history of indie rock

This is a glogster that I've created to show the history of Indie rock. It includes the roots and origins of the genre as well as artists that are associated with the genre today.

Thursday, 19 January 2017

Music Magazine Typography

I decided to look at the fonts used for pull quotes/features on magazine covers to see how they differed to the magazine mastheads. I noticed that most of these magazines used bold fonts that were easily readable. Some of the fonts used were in a hand written font which made the quote seem more personal to the artist and as if they'd written it.I also noticed that some of the pull quotes and features were in bright colours which made them stand out from the background.

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Magazine Typography

This is a mood-board I've created of different music magazine mastheads to look at the different fonts used so I have an idea of what type of font to use for my magazine masthead. A lot of the colour schemes used within these mastheads are either red, black, or white this is because the colours compliment each other and stand out compared to most of the other text on the magazine cover. From looking at the fonts you're able to tell roughly what age group the magazine is targeted at for example the 'Top of the pops' masthead includes graphics i.e. stars and the bright blue colour used whereas 'Q' is quite plain and simple and uses the popular red and white colour scheme which makes it appeal to an older audience. I've chosen to include more than one different genre of magazine in my mood-board as I feel it's important to look at all different music genres to see how their ideas vary.

Research Rationale

The target group that I have a lot of access to is teenagers and young adults between the ages of 16-19 and also people between the ages of 11-15. Since I have a big access to people around the same ages as me and are in my target audience I can use this to my advantage when conducting my research in order to make it fair and accurate. I will also use the people that I have access to in order to gain a better understanding of artists that are popular at the moment and the music magazines that people buy. For my market research I’ll start by looking at magazines that include artists that match my genre and also magazines that I like the layout of as this will give me some ideas for my magazine house style and artists that I could include in my cover lines.  I’m also going to use a website to make a survey and then send the link to people within my target audience on social media (e.g. Facebook and instagram)

For my audience research, I will be printing off pictures of magazine covers and asking people from my target group which one they'd be more likely to buy and why. I'll also ask them which camera angles and poses they prefer for the main image so that I have an idea of what things to include when creating my magazine cover

Once all of my research has been collected I’ll have more knowledge of what my target audience want to see and what is popular right now as well as having something to refer back to when making decisions.

Monday, 16 January 2017

Deconstruction of music magazines

For this task I have deconstructed two magazine covers. I've chosen to use these two magazines as I really like both of the layouts that they've used and I feel that they match the Indie genre really well as both of these artists have tracks that are part of the 'Indie' genre. I've also chosen these magazine covers as I like both of the magazines house styles and I feel I may be able to get some ideas from these magazines when creating mine.

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Music magazine moodboards

This is the music magazine market research that I've conducted. For this task I visited four different music magazine websites that are currently in print in the UK and a made four mood-boards which include pictures of the magazine covers and also artists that are featured in these magazines.

I chose to look at these magazines as I like the house styles that they've used and I'm interested in some of the artists featured. I really like NME magazine and how it is presented especially the review of the year issue as I like the way they've changed the masthead and I feel it all ties together well with the main image.

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Brief outline and Intro

This is a prezi of my initial thoughts and feelings about the brief that I've been given.
