Tuesday, 4 October 2016

PRELIM TASK: Final Contents Page

This is my final contents page. I feel that it reflects well on the front cover as it's important that the front cover and contents page look like they've come from the same magazine. To do this i have used the same colour scheme and I've also included the mast head in the same font as the front cover. Overall i'm happy with how my contents page has turned out.

Monday, 3 October 2016

PRELIM TASK: Final Front Cover

This is my final front cover of my college magazine. Overall i am happy with how my front cover as turned. I especially like the fonts that i have used as i feel i haven't used too many different fonts and they all match well together. I also like the colour scheme that i've used as i feel the colours compliment eachother and stand out. I also like the positioning of the text as i feel I've positioned it in a good enough way to still be able to see the model and read the text. I could have improved this by possibly changing the size of the text or the way the model is standing in the picture.

PRELIM TASK: How my contents page matches my flat plan.

PRELIM TASK: Contents page changes etc

I was originally going to have my contents page as the one on the left but after receiving feedback i decided to change the heading from 'what's inside?' to 'Contents' and i also added the magazine name. I did this as it's important that the cover and the contents page look like they're from the same magazine and so i changed the colour of the numbers to match the colour of the masthead and i also used the same font.

When choosing my colour theme/ feature colours i used the colour theory wheel as i wanted to make sure my colours complimented eachother rather than clashed as i didn't want my magazine to look unprofessional.

PRELIM TASK: Image Manipulation

I manipulated my image by changing the levels. Doing this allowed me to see the detail of the subject and enhanced the image.
Before i manipulated the photo you can see that the background is an off white colour and the picture isn't as bright as it is after the manipulation. This makes the picture look very unprofessional 

PRELIM TASK: Masthead manipulation

When choosing my font i wanted something that looked professional and not too wide. I first started by using dafont.com as there is a wide variety of fonts on there. I tried different fonts and colours until i could fine the right one. i ended up using a Photoshop font (Kokilla bold) as i felt it was a simple yet professional font. I was originally going to have a blue masthead but i changed the colour to a salmon pink as i thought it matched the magazine better. I chose the name 'sixth sense' as i felt it matched the magazine well as 'sixth' is like sixth form so it matches my theme and target audience.

PRELIM TASK: How my flat plan matches my final front cover

PRELIM TASK: Images I've chosen to use

 This is the image on the cover of my magazine

 These are the images on my contents page

Thursday, 29 September 2016

PRELIM TASK: Flat plan for college magazine

this is the flat plan for my college magazine cover. When drawing this I wasn't sure of what text i was going to include on my magazine so i didn't make the flat plan detailed

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

PRELIM TASK: Shot list for College magazine

 This is the shotlist for my college magazine 'sixth sense' This is roughly how i want the pictures to be on my front cover and contents page.

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

PRELIM TASK: Deconstruction of magazine cover

Before creating my student magazine I have deconstructed the elements of a magazine cover and analysed each convention and its purpose such as the masthead and the feature colours. This has given me a much better understanding of how front covers are created and the importance of these conventions. I found this task interesting as it helped me to learn the technical terms, and the publicans main purpose is which is to attract their target audience through the use of these conventions. This will help me to create a good front cover and contents page for my preliminary task as I now know what features I should include.